A Man Called KEV

Written by: Garth Ennis
Art by: Carlos Ezquerra
Cover by: Glenn Fabry
Published by: Wildstorm/DC Comics
The Story:
The world is a lonely place when you're a man without a home — just ask Kev Hawkins. After murdering his boss in a nasty government scheme, he's been banished from the United Kingdom under pain of death. What does the world hold for a man with little life experience or job training beyond wetworks and assassination? Then again, with the past about to catch up with Kev in the most violent and terrifying way possible, what the world holds for him may soon be beside the point!
What can I say about Garth Ennis…he rocks out with his c@ck out!!! The man has the mean skills to pay the mad bills and all of that other Ebonic talk that says he’s a damn fine writer. I remember when Ennis was supposed to take over the Authority, right after Mark Millar left, and I was way looking forward to it, but then 9/11 had to screw everything up, and comics had to be careful as to what they were saying and how they were saying it. Gone were the balls to the wall tales of the Authority that Ellis and Millar had crafted, and instead there entered a dark time in comics where one had to watch their P’s and Q’s in order to not be labeled un-patrioticor Al-Qaeda sympathizers, this is something that comic creators refuse to talk about and it’s a hush-hush subject that mysteriously no one in the medium will confirm or deny. The Authority took the brunt of the blow, and comics no longer were able to show the Whitehouse being blown up by aliens or the Golden Gate bridge being bent to the will of Magneto (wait, didn’t that happen in X3? Maybe things ARE changing!)
One of the few comic book writers out there who still has the cajones to back up his shite is Ennis, and when he’s written the Authority, it comes through and delivers like it used to in the Ellis and later Millar days! A Man Called Kev should be one such tale, the character made his debut in an Authority one shot, where he single-handedly managed to kill off the entire team! What couldn’t be done by ultra villains or Henry Bedix aka: The WeatherMan was done by a SAS operative who is forever down on his luck. Despite all his training, Kevin Hawkins is not very muscular or intelligent and is cursed with probably the worst luck of anybody on the Wildstorm Earth!
This issue is Kev on his own, no backup from the Authority, unless he really needs it, which is more than likely. With everyone trying to do him in, it’s a reliable thing that it’s going to have a huge body count which is what these tales of Kev by Ennis are known for.
So if you like a little of the ultra-violence, and balls to the wall action, pick up this issue and sit back and enjoy the Tarantino of comics weave his magic!
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