Civil War #2

WRITER: Mark Millar
PENCILS: Steve McNiven
INKS: Dexter Vines
COLORED BY: Morry Hollowell
LETTERED BY: VC - Chris Eliopoulos
COVER BY: Steve McNiven
VARIANT COVER BY: Michael Turner
”The super-heroes split as the CIVIL WAR heats up! Registration has become law, household names have gone rogue and a Marvel legend makes a decision that will change a life forever. Featuring the NEW AVENGERS, the FANTASTIC FOUR, the YOUNG AVENGERS and pretty much everybody else!
And, no fooling, true believer... this issue features one of the most shocking climaxes in Marvel Comics history. Miss THIS one and you might just regret it for the rest of your life!”
There's nothing "Civil" about war...
So this is it…the event that is going to break the Marvel U in half. I kind of already guessed at what the major Marvel revelation is going to be, Peter Parker reveals himself to the world as Spider-Man!
You can tell that that’s the direction Spidey’s been taking for the last couple of years. The fact that Tony “Manipulator” Stark has been egging Peter on, and the stuff that’s been happening in Amazing, Peter has no other choice than to reveal himself to the world. I wonder what’s going to happen now that Peter is one of Tony’s team players. As you probably guessed from my disposition, I have already chosen my side, which pretty much puts me at odds with Stark. I’m on Captain America’s side, especially after the way Cap eluded S.H.I.E.L.D. capture in Civil War #1! (If you haven’t picked up Issue 1, shame on you!)
I am curious as to what else is going to go down in this issue, I perused some art from issue #2, and I saw a page of the Young Avenger’s Patriot running atop some buildings being chased and fired on by a Blackhawk, so you know it’s going to have some balls out action and intrigue! I know the identity reveal is going to happen by the last page of last month’s Amazing Spider-Man, but there is a lot more going on in the series that it’s been keeping me guessing. Millar is breaking apart the Marvel U, and who knows how it’ll be put back together, but I have trust in his skills, especially after the phenomenal work he’s done on the Authority and of course the Ultimates!
This series makes me anticipate my batch of books every week! I want to know what’s going to happen, and how it’s going to go down. This reminds me of the old school days when the summer crossovers were worth their weight in gold. We were too young to get into the R-rated summer block buster movies, but we were old enough to read the summer blockbuster crossovers, and of course Marvel would always deliver, in spades!
I hate the wait though, which means that Millar is doing his job, and of course how can I forget the gorgeous Steve McNiven artwork. The widescreen shots that McNiven delivers makes me curl my toes with love of the story! The way he took out the New Warriors in issue one made me feel so much sadness for not knowing these characters more intimately since they went under the radar. Namorita was looking beautiful and deadly until she bit the big one against Nitro along with 600 civilians, and Night Thrasher looked like he was truly a bad ass, they should have had him live instead of friggin Speedball! (sorry Kirkman!)
This brings me to the question I pose for you True Believers, which side do you choose? Marvel or DC? Err..I mean…in Marvel’s Civil War? Pick up this issue and make your decision.

Still having thoughts about this though. I wanna be on Cap's side but my favorite Character, Spider-Man is on Iron Man's side. I just hope Spider-Man would switch sides soon though. For more details on Civil War and it's tie ins, I've cooked up a blog for all you Civil War fans out there! Read my blog!
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