Free Comic Book Day...The Movie!
Well Free Comic Book Day has come and gone and below are the freebies I was able to snatch from my friendly neighborhood comic book store, supposedly it was only one per person, but I guess I spent enough cash on my pull list that he let me get away with double copies of all these titles…heh..thanx John!!!
But seriously, these are the offerings and my reviews are just my opinions, so take what you will from them or just say, Ray, you’re full of shite!...and now without further ado…

Archie’s 65th Anniversary Bash! from Archie Comic Publications.
I rarely read Archie, but it’s FCBD so what the hell…and this truly was a bash, it reminded me of one of those T.V. sitcoms, where one of the main characters is leaving the show, so they have this big montage of the very best of their run with guest stars galore…and The Veronicas were in it! You may ask how I know about the Veronicas, well I watch a lot of The-N, I’m horrendously addicted to Degrassi the Next Generation, but I digress, so Archie is gonna leave Riverdale and everyone and their mother comes out of the woodwork to say goodbye, and in the end…hr doesn’t leave, like we didn’t see that coming seeing how it IS Archie’s 65th Anniversary! He’s been a teenager trapped in Riverdale for the past 65 years and he hasn’t aged a day and is still in high school? I think Archie is really a vampire lord and is making all these people that live in his town slaves to his vampire lust, using the Veronicas to lure other unsuspecting teens into his evil clutches to feast on their young virgin blood!!! There are virgins in Riverdale right? I know Jughead isn’t getting any…C+

X-Men: Runaways from Marvel Comics.
I love Brian K. Vaughn and I read Y The Last Man religiously, even though I’m behind about 5 issues, but I’m gonna get to them, but this…this FCBD offering…I don’t dig Scottie Young’s art, it’s not what I consider comic book art, more like tagger art…and the script was horrid, what happened Brian? Not only were the characters misrepresented but, these super teen “runaways” were sooo annoying! I wanted Wolverine to gut a few of these shmucks just to give the story some edge, I know I know, it was meant to be for the kiddies, but you don’t have to dumb down the characters to tell a good story to kids, you should listen to my retelling of Dawn of the Dead that I tell my 1 year old before he goes to bed…the only saving grace for this FCBD freebie was 1) it was free, and 2) the Franklin Richards back up story by Chris Eliopolos…C-

Future Shock from Image
Image is usually good at their FCBD giveaways, last year’s Flight issue was so freakin awesome, I loved it but this year I guess they were going for something a little different. I understand that Larsen is notorious for trying new ideas which is good, but this FCBD offering was a bit lackluster, I won’t bother with the crap which of course is Spawn, but I was surprised at how lousy the other stories were, I understand that they were 4 page previews but come on, I can tell you an exciting story in 4 pages, trust me. The Shadowhawk story lacked its usual Valentino edge, and I know for a fact that these guys have preached about the whole 4 page intro…if you can’t hook the readers interest in 4 pages then your comic is not gonna make it…this is total comic book cookbook technique…and they didn’t deliver…the only one that delivered was my pal Robert Kirkman, I have only read about 3 issues worth of Invincible, and his Invincible preview piqued my interest so much that I want to jump on this book, but at the moment, or until I give up a series, I’m gonna have to read them off the net. The 4 pages to preview Invincible is well worth the whole book, and of course to laugh at the crap that McFarlane is putting out…Jesus H. Christ Todd!!! Enough is enough…pack it up and start drawing Spiderman again! Invincible 4 page preview A, Spawn preview F-, Rest of the book D+

Justice League Unlimited from DC.
DC has been rocking and rolling for the past few years, and even though I am a hardcore Marvel Zombie, I have to give props to the Distinguished Competition. This FCBD offering was totally cool, it was a good read and it was entertaining and it was simple. It wasn’t convoluted with all this bullshit about continuity or shock value or artsy complex renderings…it was what a comic book should be, FUN! If you watch the JLU on Cartoon Network then you know what I’m talking about, I mean they had Bwanna Beast in an episode and made him totally cool! The art was uncomplicated and the story flowed, I really had a good time reading the issue and the art was very appealing to the eye, Paul Dini and Bruce Timm would be proud. Plus Despero is in it along with Zatanna! If you’re a fan of the JLU animated series I hope you got this book, this is the type of stuff that made me want to do comics back when I was a young Padawan! A+

Rubberband Press Comics Free Comic Book Day Fun from Rubberband Press Comics Publishing.
Um…Nice cover? Um…I mean…cover stock. No Rating

Bongo Comics Free-For-All! from Bongo Comics.
It’s the Simpsons man! Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know about the Simpsons and it’s a well known fact that about half the country know more Simpsons trivia than the name of the 43rd president of the United States…actually his name is Satan or Hitler or something along those lines, but I digress…this issue was all FCBD should be, and it had Comic Book Guy in it, and he scores with a super model! Louis Lane scores! The jewel of the issue though was Nuclear Power Man and Iron Foot, where we see Lenny and Carl as the Heroes for Rent, a total rip on Power Man and Iron Fist…Sweet Christmas! This FCBD offering rocked out! A+
So that’ll do it for now, I’ll be back next week for my next review or preview of what’s coming out and about to hit the shops! Here’s to FCBD 2006! Whee!!!
But seriously, these are the offerings and my reviews are just my opinions, so take what you will from them or just say, Ray, you’re full of shite!...and now without further ado…

Archie’s 65th Anniversary Bash! from Archie Comic Publications.
I rarely read Archie, but it’s FCBD so what the hell…and this truly was a bash, it reminded me of one of those T.V. sitcoms, where one of the main characters is leaving the show, so they have this big montage of the very best of their run with guest stars galore…and The Veronicas were in it! You may ask how I know about the Veronicas, well I watch a lot of The-N, I’m horrendously addicted to Degrassi the Next Generation, but I digress, so Archie is gonna leave Riverdale and everyone and their mother comes out of the woodwork to say goodbye, and in the end…hr doesn’t leave, like we didn’t see that coming seeing how it IS Archie’s 65th Anniversary! He’s been a teenager trapped in Riverdale for the past 65 years and he hasn’t aged a day and is still in high school? I think Archie is really a vampire lord and is making all these people that live in his town slaves to his vampire lust, using the Veronicas to lure other unsuspecting teens into his evil clutches to feast on their young virgin blood!!! There are virgins in Riverdale right? I know Jughead isn’t getting any…C+

X-Men: Runaways from Marvel Comics.
I love Brian K. Vaughn and I read Y The Last Man religiously, even though I’m behind about 5 issues, but I’m gonna get to them, but this…this FCBD offering…I don’t dig Scottie Young’s art, it’s not what I consider comic book art, more like tagger art…and the script was horrid, what happened Brian? Not only were the characters misrepresented but, these super teen “runaways” were sooo annoying! I wanted Wolverine to gut a few of these shmucks just to give the story some edge, I know I know, it was meant to be for the kiddies, but you don’t have to dumb down the characters to tell a good story to kids, you should listen to my retelling of Dawn of the Dead that I tell my 1 year old before he goes to bed…the only saving grace for this FCBD freebie was 1) it was free, and 2) the Franklin Richards back up story by Chris Eliopolos…C-

Future Shock from Image
Image is usually good at their FCBD giveaways, last year’s Flight issue was so freakin awesome, I loved it but this year I guess they were going for something a little different. I understand that Larsen is notorious for trying new ideas which is good, but this FCBD offering was a bit lackluster, I won’t bother with the crap which of course is Spawn, but I was surprised at how lousy the other stories were, I understand that they were 4 page previews but come on, I can tell you an exciting story in 4 pages, trust me. The Shadowhawk story lacked its usual Valentino edge, and I know for a fact that these guys have preached about the whole 4 page intro…if you can’t hook the readers interest in 4 pages then your comic is not gonna make it…this is total comic book cookbook technique…and they didn’t deliver…the only one that delivered was my pal Robert Kirkman, I have only read about 3 issues worth of Invincible, and his Invincible preview piqued my interest so much that I want to jump on this book, but at the moment, or until I give up a series, I’m gonna have to read them off the net. The 4 pages to preview Invincible is well worth the whole book, and of course to laugh at the crap that McFarlane is putting out…Jesus H. Christ Todd!!! Enough is enough…pack it up and start drawing Spiderman again! Invincible 4 page preview A, Spawn preview F-, Rest of the book D+

Justice League Unlimited from DC.
DC has been rocking and rolling for the past few years, and even though I am a hardcore Marvel Zombie, I have to give props to the Distinguished Competition. This FCBD offering was totally cool, it was a good read and it was entertaining and it was simple. It wasn’t convoluted with all this bullshit about continuity or shock value or artsy complex renderings…it was what a comic book should be, FUN! If you watch the JLU on Cartoon Network then you know what I’m talking about, I mean they had Bwanna Beast in an episode and made him totally cool! The art was uncomplicated and the story flowed, I really had a good time reading the issue and the art was very appealing to the eye, Paul Dini and Bruce Timm would be proud. Plus Despero is in it along with Zatanna! If you’re a fan of the JLU animated series I hope you got this book, this is the type of stuff that made me want to do comics back when I was a young Padawan! A+

Rubberband Press Comics Free Comic Book Day Fun from Rubberband Press Comics Publishing.
Um…Nice cover? Um…I mean…cover stock. No Rating

Bongo Comics Free-For-All! from Bongo Comics.
It’s the Simpsons man! Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know about the Simpsons and it’s a well known fact that about half the country know more Simpsons trivia than the name of the 43rd president of the United States…actually his name is Satan or Hitler or something along those lines, but I digress…this issue was all FCBD should be, and it had Comic Book Guy in it, and he scores with a super model! Louis Lane scores! The jewel of the issue though was Nuclear Power Man and Iron Foot, where we see Lenny and Carl as the Heroes for Rent, a total rip on Power Man and Iron Fist…Sweet Christmas! This FCBD offering rocked out! A+
So that’ll do it for now, I’ll be back next week for my next review or preview of what’s coming out and about to hit the shops! Here’s to FCBD 2006! Whee!!!
Hey! Nice reviews! I hate Scottie Young too! I didn't "like" or "enjoy" much of what was given out and alomost was pissed until I remembered it was all free crap! Then I realized, "Free" crap is still CRAP! I did enjoy the Justice League, some of the Image artwork, the COVER to Runaways, and that's about it.
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