X3: The Last Stand
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Kesley Grammer
Directed by Brett Ratner
Release date May 26th, 2006
Released through 20th Century Fox & MarvelX3 TrailerThis review board is usually just for comics, but hey it’s mine and I can review friggin Betty Crocker recipes if I find them interesting enough! So I’m reviewing X3: The Last Stand. What can I say other than that it fuckin rocked!!! I have to say that this was the best of the series; it was a fan boy’s dream come true! It had everything that a true X-Men fan could want, and without spoiling much for those of you who have not seen it yet, you should rush out and see it after reading this review!

A lot of people that have seen the first two movies were apprehensive about the third because Bryan Singer wasn’t involved. I say to those naysayers to shut up and watch the film. Yes, it’s its own animal, but Brett Ratner has managed to do something different and yet remain true to the essence of X-Men. There’s the Danger Room sequence, something that X-fans have been longing to see in the film and Ratner delivers, along with a fast ball special courtesy of Colossus and Wolverine, “Hey Tin Man. Throw me!” and what does Colossus throw Wolverine at? A Sentinel! But the fun doesn’t end there, the whole movie is nicely paced and a lot of loose ends from previous installments are tied up, while more are unraveled. Even though the movie comes in at a little under 2 hours, it made me want more, especially the ending, for all of you not in the know, you’ve gotta stay till the end of the credits to get a juicy little piece of story…actually I guessed at it and I was right, I’m still waiting for Marvel to come knocking at the door so I can write these scripts rather than guess at them!

The film delivers in spades, from the true Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, to the fates of Jean Grey and all the rest, this film had it all. There were moments when the audience fell into a deathly hush as key characters met their fate at the hands of their nemesis. The one I do want to share with you is the fate of one X-Man that I have hated since the moment she/he was introduced so here it is (SPOILER ALERT!!!) Marrow, even though in the film Marrow was changed into a guy, it’s still Marrow, the cheesy ass bone chucking bitch that in the comics was supposed to be Wolverine as a female, that’s all been remedied now in the comics with the introduction of X-23, but in film she (now a he) eats it big time! Wolverine guts Marrow in an awesome fight scene that you have to watch to enjoy and appreciate, I cheered when Marrow died! Good riddance!

Apart from that, the movie nicely ties up the trilogy, while leaving the door open for more films and even spin-offs. I know Hugh Jackman has expressed interest in doing a Wolverine solo film and it is coming to fruition from what my insiders in Hollywood have said, (actually my latest copy of Wizard), which brings me to an interesting subject, Wolverine. Many of my colleagues, have expressed that Wolverine takes up too much time in the films, that it seems the movies should be renamed “Wolverine and his X-Men” but the truth of the matter is that Wolverine is the spirit of the team. I had this conversation with my good friend
Daniel Campos a comic book artist and long standing X-Men fan and I agree wholeheartedly. I love Wolverine, though Gambit is my all time favorite X-Man, but Wolverine is the heart and soul of the team, he’s the one that holds everyone together, the loner who is forced to re-examine his life and become a team player for the betterment of both mutant and human kind. But the thing is Wolverine can go the extra mile, he can do what everyone else thinks about doing but stop short of doing, the line that most heroes won’t cross. This is something that your Batmen and Supermen lack, the courage of their convictions, to do what must be done, like Jack Black in Nacho Libre states, "We gotta take it to the next level!"

X3 was well worth the wait, and the way the film plays out, it leaves you wanting more of these characters. Bryan Singer may have moved on to Superman, which I’m sure is going to rake in the cash, but Superman is iconic and has been around longer than X-Men, so it has that going for it. I am a registered Marvel Zombie and X3 is truly for the fans, with so many cameos and little tidbits that sate the fan-boy in all of us (keep your eye out for the Stepford Cukoos!)

This is the fun and exciting movie of the summer and I am thoroughly and honestly pleased with what Brett Ratner has done, I was skeptical when I first heard about the shuffle of directors, but I hope Ratner returns for the next installment, because you know there’s gotta be another one (besides, we need Gambit in there, especially with the allusions of a sort of Generation X spin-off!)
So what are you waiting for? Stop reading this and get out there and watch X3: The Last Stand!
Dude, I agree! The best of the series. I was freaked at how Xavier was slowly desintigrated. Grody!
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