Written by: Francisco Arce
Art by: Dario & O.Lee.A
Published by: 656 Comics
So the world is coming to an end, Armageddon is upon us, the dead have risen from their graves and evil has been let loose across the face of the planet. Who do you call? No, not the Ghostbusters…you call the MEKSMEN!!!
If you can afford it!
LOS MEKSMEN have arrived on the scene and none too late, it seems there is an infestation of the living dead plaguing the Border around Juarez, Mexico, and I don’t mean the total bullshit of the living dead government of the United States, I’m talking an actual zombie-rific, brain eating, gut spewing, dead-fest!
I’ve been waiting for the newest offering from these guys for the longest time. 656 Comics is a studio based out of Juarez, Mexico, and they do actual comics, none of this Meximanga, Otaku, Dragon Power Ranger Ball bullshit. Its hard core comics in the vein of old pulp style tales and horror in the tradition of E.C.
LOS MEKSMEN introduces the two main characters of the series, FULANO DE’TAL which translates into JOHN DOE and EL FUMAROLAS or THE CHAINSMOKER. The two form the core of this heroes for hire type outfit. In their first adventure, the heroes are caught in the horror of not being able to get a decent drink at their local pub because, someone decided to unleash the gates of hell and let zombies pour through like there’s a government cheese giveaway! And I won't give away the big cliff hanger ending...Can anyone say...ZOMBIE KID!!!
The only problems with the book is:
1. It’s too friggin short, but hopefully that will be remedied in the coming issues, more zombie punching action!!! &
2.It’s in Spanish, which is no problem for me, but the monolingual members of the audience are gonna have a hard time deciphering what FUMAROLAS is sometimes saying, although CHEET! Is pretty easy to understand! I hope a English version comes out, although, it does take away a bit of the appeal for me. But I hear tell that the english versions will be released in a nice trade once the series wraps up!
So what are you waiting for, join in on the zombie bashing action and order your copy of LOS MEKSMEN from 656 COMICS!
Order it here: LOS MEKSMEN!!!
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