Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2

I’m going to try something a little different this week and write up a report on one of last weeks titles that really made good on their promise to deliver.
Last week’s title that I thought delivered the goods was Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2. Bendis tried to capture lighting in a bottle again, and if all of you read last year’s #1 Annual, you’ll know what I mean. Once again Mark Brooks delivered in spades, his artwork is spectacular, kind of what Mad and J. Scott have been trying to do for years, integrate the whole Manga/U.S. style, referred to as AmeriManga, well Brooks does it with ease, and the same time making it his own style and surpassing these other yahoos! I usually don’t follow artists and I sure as hell am not a fan of Manga, (except for Vampire Hunter D), but Brooks’ art is a nice and visually stimulating hybrid. I wish this guy had a monthly book! Damn! Put him on something monthly already Marvel!!!
Aside from the art, Bendis finally tied up some dangling plot lines that have been hanging in the air that is Ultimate Spidey for awhile. And it only took him 32 pages to complete it!
Bendis has been in kind of a slump as of late with Ultimate Spider-Man, although his version of the notorious “Clone Saga” is shaping up to be something very interesting, the “Gang War” storyline was kind of weak, it seemed he just threw characters at us or rather, Ultimate versions of characters for the sake of “Ultimat-izing” them. Iron Fist and Shang-Chi, along with Moon Knight all kind of fell between the cracks, with the only interesting part of it being the behind the scenes turmoil Peter was having with Mary Jane. At first I was apprehensive that this annual thinking that we were just going to have more characters thrown at us since last years annual dealt with Peter hooking up with Kitty and that rocked out, but I gave it a chance and was pleasantly surprised. Another thing was that it had another appearance of Ultimate Punisher, which is just regular Punisher in the Ultimate universe. Last time Frank appeared in Spidey’s book, he was handed the short end of the stick. This comes from my belief that Bendis dislikes the Punisher character due to some deep psychological horror that stems from his Daredevil fetish, but I digress. For once the Punisher was used like he was always meant to be used. Not as some deranged psychopath that muttered to himself, but as an anti-hero, blurring the line that heroes won’t cross. Punny was used to deliver punishment. Moon Knight also had his time to shine, and the psychological aspect which Moony(?) plays to was explored a little more, though I wanted more. Also, the final fate of police Captain Jean DeWolfe was carried out very well. But if you want the whole dish, then get out there and pick up this issue!
Overall I give Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2, 4 hits, and here’s hoping that Mark Brooks gets his own book drawing Ultimate Moon Knight!!!