DMZ #4

Seeing as Mr. Carmona is totally busy at the moment, or he may have forgotten in his old age, I have decided to post a pick of the week for myself and for all of you in the wired...Maybe he'll be back next week to post his own pick...
Written by Brian Wood
Art by Wood and Ricardo Burchielli
Cover by Wood
Published by DC Comics/ Vertigo
Suggested for Mature Readers
"Left to his own devices in war-torn Manhattan, Matty stumbles into Central Park, where he comes face to face with a crew of armed and dangerous environmentalists. Are these the mysterious "Ghosts" who protect the once beautiful park, or is Matty at the mercy of a gang of psychotic tree-huggers? " -from DC Comics/ Vertigo Homepage
It's been 5 years since the United States declared war against the Free State Armies. Manhattan is the DMZ(Demilitarized Zone) and New York is once again ground zero, but in a different way, a second Civil War has erupted and the 400,000 civilians that still live in the Big Apple, now the big smoking crater are trying to survive. 9/11 is everyday now, and the war on terror has been taken from the sands of the desert of far away lands and is now targeted on the insurgents and murderers of New York, as the United States has branded them.
Enter Matthew Roth, an intern working for a Nobel Prize winning documentarian who's going to film the war at home, he's dropped into New York on his first assignment and gets stranded in the DMZ after his documentary team gets blown out of the sky, along with Nobel Prize winner, he's the only survivor and he can't get home. That's when the fun begins.
I am really enjoying this book because it shows how no matter where war is located, it's all about the spin it's given, win the hearts and minds of the people and you win the war. Brian Wood is doing an excellent job of showing the way we perceive war in modern times, or rather, the way we don't perceive it...Everyone has a story , but those stories are usually overshadowed by the glorification of war on TV. If it bleeds it leads...But there are human elements to every story...And those stories need to be told...
pick up DMZ #4 it's worth the read and it's a Vertigo book, so you know it's good. This is the war abroad at home and I plan to fully review this series after a few more issues, this is a great jumping on point and the covers are amazing, if the above cover isn't enough to whet your appetite!